But with the support of a program for students underrepresented in the 健康 professions and a willing faculty mentor, the fifth-year UMKC 医学院 student was one of nearly 70 students who presented a research project at the 2023 UMKC健康科学学生研究峰会.

The event took place on March 22 at the Children’s Mercy Kansas City 研究 Institute, returning the summit UMKC’s 健康 Sciences Campus after being held at the Student Union on the UMKC Volker Campus for the past several years.

The annual summit provides an avenue for 健康 sciences students to display their research, while fostering collaborations across disciplines and schools that will provide  economic, 健康, 教育和生活质量对社区有益.

医学院的学生, 药店, 牙科, 教育, computing and engineering and psychological sciences presented posters that displayed a vast array of research on medical science topics to community 健康 programs.

Faculty members from the 健康 sciences schools judged and scored the presentations based on overall quality and aspects of the presentations including the research hypothesis, background, 方法与结论. 前三名分为三个类别:综合, 研究生(住院医师), 博士后, 研究员), 本科生.

涅托·戈麦斯的演讲在总分组中排名第二. 她和她的导师卡尔·卡多尔博士一起工作.D., 他是医学院专注于视网膜研究的科学家, to produce an abstract that looked at how early stage retinal ganglion cells are formed.

“Hopefully we can take this information and one day apply it to find cures for blindness,”她说。.

Josephine Nwankwo,堪萨斯大学医学院学生

医学院 student Josephine Nwankwo had the top-scoring presentation in the overall division, while medical student Keerti Ivaturi had the top poster presentation in the undergraduate division and 药店 resident Rachel Askew earned the top score in the graduate division.

涅托·戈麦斯是STAHR(学术学生培训)的成员, 健康, 和研究), 这是密苏里大学堪萨斯分校医学院的合作项目, 牙科 and 药店 designed to increase the number of students from disadvantaged backgrounds entering 健康 care programs and better prepare them for success academically and professionally.

She said participating in the STAHR program and meeting with other underrepresented minority students provided her with the encouragement she needed to embark on a research project.

“我们在STAHR项目中与其他学生的对话, 听到他们是如何做研究的,以及他们是如何参与进来的,对我很有帮助,”她说。. “It made me feel that if I can see other students in the program doing research, then I can do it.”

UMKC药房居民Kristen Mize说

克里斯汀·米兹,药剂师.D., a UMKC 药店 resident who works with ambulatory care patients at a KC CARE 健康 Center clinic, 是另一个在研究峰会上展示海报的学生吗. Hers described her efforts to provide early, preventive eye exams for patients with diabetes.

Mize explained how she is trained to perform simple eye exams using a retina imaging machine to look for early signs of diabetic retinopathy. 糖尿病视网膜病变是导致成人失明和视力丧失的主要原因. 当糖尿病患者的血糖水平升高过高时,就会发生这种情况, causing small blood vessels in the retina to break and leak blood or fluid into the eye, 损害视网膜. 

The project also looked at the effect her service has had on patients keeping current on eye exams.

“The purpose is to catch things early before the patient knows they have that issue,米兹谈到这次考试时说.

Mize also planned to present her poster at a 药店 conference later in the week with a broader message for pharmacists and other 健康 care providers.

“对药剂师来说,我想表明我们可以做到这一点,”她说. “I got trained on this machine and I’m the only person at KC CARE offering the exam right now. Next month I’m going to be training nurse practitioners, and they’ll be able to do it. Our message to those who aren’t ophthalmologists is, you can make a difference in this, too.”

 2023 UMKC健康科学学生研究峰会


1st 地点- Josephine Nwankwo, 医学院: Relationship between SES and Utilization of a Hospital Based Food Pantry

2nd 地点:塞拉·涅托·戈麦斯, 医学院: Early Stage Retinal Ganglion Cells Have Increased Axon Growth. 博士导师:. 卡尔Kador 

3rd 地点:Vijay Dimri, 舒如提米希拉, Mauli帕特尔, 医学院: Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome in a Trauma Patient with Multiple Gunshot Wounds. 博士导师:. 塔莱Wagle


1st 地点- Keerti Ivaturi, 医学院: Effects of Placenta Glucocorticoid Receptor Knockout on Gene Expression and Fetal Survival. 博士导师:. 戴夫的桥梁

2nd 地点——塞缪尔·布朗, 医学院: Pericyte Recruitment and von Willebrand Factor Expression are Associated with Blood-Brain Barrier Tight Junction Formation During Embryonic Development in Mice. 博士导师:. Nihar Nayak

3rd 地点:巴黎·耶茨, 医学院: Is Ciclesonide a safer glucocorticoid alternative  in the developing brain for  preterm birth? 博士导师:. Paula Monaghan-Nichols


1st 地点——瑞秋·阿斯丘, 药学院: Impact of pharmacist-led intervention of dispensing naloxone to an at risk of overdose patient population
博士导师:. Yifei刘.  

2nd 地点-博士. Soumya饶, 牙科学院:SF3B2功能突变缺失, mRNA剪接的调节因子, 作为眼-耳-椎谱的原因. 博士导师:. 蒂莫西·考克斯

3rd 地点——罗兰·克拉尔, 牙科学院: 3D printed multi-gradient microsphere scaffolds for guided osteochondral tissue engineering. 博士导师:. Stefan Lohfeld