Learn together with the UWRB Faculty Learning Community on Threshold Concepts in the Teaching of Writing.

What are threshold concepts? Threshold concepts are a set of essential skills for mastering a discipline/major and for adopting the worldview of the profession. Threshold concepts can be a useful framework for teaching writing across disciplines.

This faculty learning community (FLC) will focus on (1) how and why faculty write differently in their disciplines and (2) how to articulate and apply threshold concepts in writing studies and one’s own discipline. This FLC is open to all writing intensive faculty, faculty who teach writing, and faculty interested in teaching a writing intensive version of their course. The FLC will meet on Wednesdays, 1 PM - 2:30 PM beginning January 26 to February 23. The first 5 sessions will be weekly meetings on theory and reflection. Between March 9 and May 4, the FLC will meet biweekly on Wednesdays, 1 PM - 2:30 PM. The schedule gives faculty time to focus on revising syllabi and any other teaching materials based on the reflections and theories discussed earlier in the semester.

Faculty participants receive a stipend of $500 on completion of the program. This FLC may meet in-person or on Zoom based on which option the majority of applicants choose in their application.

Please apply by January 14, 2022 by going to http://php2.rajajalanan.com/intapps/redcap/surveys/?s=ARA77CDEYYXN33LY


Quick-Write Workshop: Creating or Revising a Class Writing Assignment in One Hour

Where: Online Zoom 

When: 12/10/2021, 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Presenter(s): Crystal Doss

If you need to design or fine-tune a writing assignment for a class next semester, bring an idea for a new assignment or an assignment that you already use to a Zoom workshop led by Dr. Crystal Doss, Director of Composition in the UMKC English Department. During the one-hour session, you will collaborate with colleagues to determine the “must haves” for effective writing assignments and participate in peer review to develop or refine your assignment. This event is open to all UMKC instructors and is sponsored by the University Writing and Reading Board (UWRB) and the Center for Faculty Excellence (CAFE). Zoom link will be sent to registered participants prior to the event.

To register, go to http://net3.rajajalanan.com/intapps/onlineworkshops/home/workshopDetail/1721